From Smart City to Open City: Lessons From Jakarta Smart City

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Press Release

From Smart City to Open City: Lessons From Jakarta Smart City


Donor: The Web Foundation


In 2011, Indonesia started its Open Government journey when along with seven other countries it initiated Open Government Partnership. Following the global declaration, Indonesia launched the Open Government Indonesia (OGI) in January 2012 with the aim to introduce open government reforms, including open data. This initiative is supported by Law No. 14/2008 on Freedom of Information. Despite its early stage, the implementation of Open Government in Indonesia has shown promising developments, with three action plans enacted in the last four years. In the Southeast Asian region, Indonesia could be considered a pioneer in implementing the open data initiative at national as well as sub-national levels. In some cases, the open data initiative at subnational level has even surpassed the progress at the national level. Jakarta, for example, became the first city to have its own gubernatorial bylaw on data and system management, which requires the city administration and agencies to open its public data, thus leading to the birth of open data initiatives in the city. The city also have Jakarta Smart City that connect sub-districts officials with the citizen. Jakarta Smart City is an initiative that promote openness of the government through public service delivery. This paper aims to take a closer look on the dynamics of citizens-generated data in Jakarta and how Jakarta smart city program contributes to the implementation of open data.

From smart city to open city: Lessons from Jakarta Smart City in collaboration with Open Data Lab. The research was carried out from October 2015 to February 2016. This research aim to understand how Jakarta Smart City and other existing initiatives outside the smart city programme affect the interaction and relationship between government and citizens in issues related to open data and public participation.

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Ringkasan eksekutif (Bahasa Indonesia)
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From Smart City to Open City: Lessons From Jakarta Smart City
Press Release

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Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.​

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