
Area of Interest

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Innovation, Policy, Governance

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance is a think tank in the fields of innovation, policy and governance in Indonesia. CIPG is committed to contribute to the knowledge and innovation society in Indonesia through our research activities, consultancy, and capacity building programmes.

CIPG see innovation as the implementation or application of new idea or method. Be it innovation in product, process or policy, it has affected our lives in certain ways. We take a closer look into and reflects on those impacts.

The area of policy specifically refers to public policy. We conduct public policy analysis, of which outcome informs the process of policy formulation and the evaluation of its effect once implemented. CIPG endeavours to advocate evidence-based policymaking process in Indonesia.

Lastly, the area of governance concerns with the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented. CIPG particularly addresses the efforts carried out by the government. It covers the issues of practice, system, rules and regulation. The discussions are to ensure good governance is undertaken.

In pursuing our commitment in the areas of innovation, policy and governance, CIPG focuses on two areas of interest: Knowledge & Innovation and Information & Social Change

knowledge & innovation
Knowledge & Innovation

CIPG believes that knowledge and innovation are essential assets for Indonesia to excel its economy and human well-being. As such, we see the importance of improving the knowledge and innovation ecosystem in Indonesia. One of the issues to be addressed is how such ecosystem can influence evidence-based policymaking process. Strengthening the research and innovation capacities in Indonesia are thus critical.

In this area of interest, our works concerns with the following issues:​

  • Innovation Policy
  • Research Policy and Agendas
  • Knowledge Production
  • Knowledge Management
Information & Social Change
CIPG is keen on capturing and researching new dynamics and phenomenon that occur in this vast-changing world of science, technology and information. We particularly focus on the area of information and social change. Some of the issues that we have been working on our works include:
  • Digital Humanities
  • Media and The Public Sphere
  • Open Government

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.


'Starting from March 2024, CIPG is implementing Work From Home'

© Copyright 2024. Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG).​

© Copyright 2020. Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG).​

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