Anesthesia Novianda

Data Governance and Public Service Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic

The research summary can be read here. Digital transformation in public services in Indonesia cannot be separated from the important role of data. Effective and efficient public services, from planning, and implementation to service evaluation, rely on accurate data. The ability to carry out actual analysis from various data sources is key for the government…

Indonesia Cultural Cities Profile

The Indonesian Cultural Cities Profile reports aim to provide information and an overview of fourteen Indonesian cities, outlining their cultural diversity, population, heritage, assets and policies. The reports provide introductory information on the cities’ history, demographics and unique cultural practices, including the nature and scale of cultural, creative and digital policies and economy that exists…

[IPG Talks] Iptek, Riset, dan Inovasi dalam UU Cipta Kerja

Undang-Undang (UU) Cipta Kerja atau Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja telah resmi disahkan pemerintah. Salah satu klaster yang terdapat dalam UU Cipta Kerja menyentuh perihal iptek, riset, dan inovasi. Telaah menyeluruh terhadap dampak UU Cipta Kerja pada iptek, riset, dan inovasi perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran dan menjadi basis pertukaran wawasan dalam upaya pengembangan ekosistem pengetahuan…

Strengthening the Bridge towards Inclusive Policymaking: A Collective Learning with Six Civil Society Organisations

This synthesis report titled “Strengthening the Bridge towards Inclusive Policymaking: A Collective Learning with Six Civil Society Organisations” came as a form of public accountability for the CIPG programme called “Echoing Evidence: Using Action Research for Inclusive Participation”. This report contains learning analyses by CIPG while undertaking the aforementioned programme between August 2017 until August…

Menggaungkan Suara Marginal: Cerita dari Kawasan Timur Indonesia

Pembuatan kebijakan publik idealnya dilakukan secara integral, menyeluruh pada setiap aspek yang berpengaruh. Partisipasi publik merupakan prasyarat absolut untuk memastikan proses tersebut berjalan secara inklusif. Maka, perumusan kebijakan publik berbasis bukti, terutama dalam konteks lokal, perlu didorong dengan mendasarkan pertama-tama pada pengetahuan lokal oleh para aktor lokal. Walaupun demikian, warga, khususnya yang terpinggirkan, tampak kesulitan…

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