Workshop Facilitation for Addressing Skills-gap in Vocational Education in Indonesia: A Case of Maritime Sector (2018)

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Workshop Facilitation for Addressing Skills-gap in Vocational Education in Indonesia: A Case of Maritime Sector (2018)


Programme Period: September-October 2018

Team: Irsan Pawennei, Ferzya Farhan, Hakim Agung Ramadhan, Leonardus K. Nugraha, Mona Luthfina Usmani

Surrounded by sea, Indonesia has a great potential to become a maritime country. The Government of Indonesia has put a lot of concern to gain a vision of Global Maritime Axis. Through Nawacita Agendas, the vision can be effortlessly seen in several marine-based economy activities, especially at road and port development. However, irrespective to the fact that such action has effectively improved inter-island connectivity, many believe that infrastructure expansion is merely not enough. In this case, the Nawacita Agendas would have been more valuable if it is the infrastructure growth is run side by side with a development in human capital.

Based on this rationale, the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) would like to provide open hands to help the Indonesian Government nurture the human development. To be more specific, through British Embassy, the UK Government wants to work hand-in-hand with the Indonesian Government in a programme namely called Prosperity Fund (PF) Skills Programme.

Based on our research, we found that there are five issues, at a national level, to be considered crucial in current Indonesia HE TVET system. First, we identified that HE TVET students and graduates are lack of holding international certification and have limited level of English skill. We also observed that there is an issue in the area of quality of teachers and mentors. Next, there are considerable number of HE TVET students and graduates who do not meet industry standard. Furthermore, HE TVET curricula are still not in line with industry needs.

Workshop Facilitation for Addressing Skills-gap in Vocational Education in Indonesia: A Case of Maritime Sector (2018)

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Irsan Pawennei, Ferzya Farhan, Hakim Agung Ramadhan, Leonardus K. Nugraha, Mona Luthfina Usmani

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.​

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