Research on Movement and Campaigns to End Fossil Fuel in Indonesia (2017)

Information and Social Change

Research on Movement and Campaigns to End Fossil Fuel in Indonesia (2017)


Programme Period: April-May 2017

Team: Fajri Siregar, Ferzya Farhan, Daya Cipta Sudrajat

Indonesia is one of the highest fossil fuel consuming country in the world. According to the International Energy Agency, Indonesia’s energy consumption is still dominated by fossil fuel. At the same time, the country boasts plenty of alternative energyresources. The Government of Indonesia has recently declared its intention to increase the use of renewable energy. Through government regulation No 79/2014, the Indonesian government has intended to enhance the use of renewable energy whilst incrementally decreasing its dependence on fossil fuel.

This intention needs to be met by increasing public pressure to reduce the use of fossil fuel. Several organisations have shown their attention to this issue but is in need of a bigger support to not only increase people’s awareness, but also address the issue to the relevant stakeholders. A larger movement is therefore needed to articulate the need to move away or decouple from conventional energy production methods. To pinpoint strategic entry points in initiating the movement, a critical study that maps potential actors is needed. Moreover, this study is important to understand the landscape of the movement against climate change, specifically the movement to end fossil fuel, as well as the dynamics and power relations amongst stakeholders in Indonesia. A better understanding of media engagement trend and campaigns to end fossil fuel is also essential. Therefore, this background research is paramount.

The research will be commissioned by, a non-profit organization that is committed to building a global climate movement. The research will engage 350’s strategic partners, namely Greenpeace, Walhi – Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Jaringan Tambang (Jatam) and 350 Supporters, as well as other individuals and organizations who work on climate change issues.

Research on Movement and Campaigns to End Fossil Fuel in Indonesia (2017)

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Fajri Siregar, Ferzya Farhan, Daya Cipta Sudrajat

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.​

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