Doing Research in Indonesia: Assessing Social Science Research Systems in a Global Perspectives

Doing Research in Indonesia

Doing Research in Indonesia: Assessing Social Science Research Systems in a Global Perspectives


Doing Research in Indonesia

‘Doing Research’ is a GDN flagship program that aims to assess and benchmark social science research systems in developing countries. GDN is running a global roll-out over the period 2018-2023 and is teaming up with multidisciplinary teams based in research institutions in developing country interested in becoming National Focal Points of the program at the national level.

Social science research systems are the set of institutions, practices, structures and rules that enable the production, diffusion and uptake of social science research (GDN 2017). Through the production of such knowledge on societies and human behaviors, they strongly impact the environment for policy decisions and local democratic debate by contributing to a better understanding of development challenges.

UI/CIPG wishes to join forces with GDN to act as the National Focal Point(NFP) of the Doing Research program in Indonesia. In this position, UI/CIPG will conduct the implementation of the Doing Research Assessments (DRA), a method developed by GDN to inform research policy and capacity building by drawing on a detailed analysis of the national research system. The study will produce knowledge on Indonesia’s research system performance, and release original data on the production, diffusion and uptake of social science research. It will also organize discussions and outreach about strengthening the research system to enable social progress.

Area of Interest: Information and Social Change

Donor: Global Development Network

Programme Start: October 2018

Programme Finished: December 2018

Publication: Doing Research in Indonesia

Team Member: Inaya Rakhmani, Zulfa Sakhiyya, Afra Suci Ramadhan, Wirawan Agahari

Doing Research in Indonesia: Assessing Social Science Research Systems in a Global Perspectives

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Inaya Rakhmani, Zulfa Sakhiyya, Afra Suci Ramadhan, Wirawan Agahari

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.​

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