British Council Programme Evaluation Research (2017)

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British Council Programme Evaluation Research (2017)


Programme Period: December 2018-March 2020

Team: Ferzya Farhan, Natasha H. Attamimi, Dinita Andriani Putri, Anesthesia Novianda

In March 2016, British Council launched a three year programme, UK/Indonesia 2016-18 (UK/ID for short), to develop new relationships between Indonesia and the UK through creativity and to raise the awareness of both countries’ contemporary culture. The multi-year programme has a significantly different model from British Council’s business-as-usual programmes in the preceding years; and different from those in other countries.

UK/ID is a rare opportunity where a country becomes the focus for three years instead of one. The decision to make a multi-year programme came from the understanding that both countries know very little about each other, and thus longer engagements are needed to ensure that meaningful relationships emerge. Instead of having large-scale showcasing or collaboration, UK/ID primarily works with smaller organisations, producers, collectives and individual artists, encouraging them to work in collaboration with each other; and provides young creative professionals the opportunity to expand their network and be showcased internationally.

British Council is keen to learn how UK/ID’s model has impacted on the arts sector in Indonesia, and how the programmes have changed people’s perspective regarding the UK creative sector. We are keen to understand whether the engagement with UK/ID programmes or British artists has improved the skills, networks, or international profile of Indonesian artists, collectives and creative practitioners; and to inform how UK/ID programmes compare with the previous British Council programmes in Indonesia. Finally, we are keen to learn the extent to which the relationships built through UK/ID have been sustained beyond the initial intervention.

Because we are interested in the extent of long-term sustainability of international relationships, the programme evaluation research should continue for two and a half years, until March 2020.

British Council Programme Evaluation Research (2017)

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Ferzya Farhan, Natasha H. Attamimi, Dinita Andriani Putri, Anesthesia Novianda

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group which aspires to excel in the area of innovation, policy and governance.​

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