Mona L. Usmani

Digital Transformation Landscape in Indonesia

The Report on the Digital Transformation Landscape in Indonesia has two objectives. Firstly, to provide a snapshot of digital transformation efforts in Indonesia by examining three sectors: Industry 4.0, digital agriculture, and clean/green technology. Secondly, to contribute input to the design of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2025-2029 for the digital transformation field. In…

Reformasi Tata Kelola Pendanaan: Peningkatan Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Skema Pendanaan Kementerian Ristek/BRIN

This report only available in Bahasa Indonesia. The summary is taken from KSI Indonesia website. Studi ini bertujuan mengulas dan menyintesiskan stok pengetahuan yang membahas perbaikan tata kelola pendanaan riset dan inovasi di Indonesia, menelaah hasil rekomendasi kebijakan yang belum ditindaklanjuti, serta menyusun usulan tindak lanjut perbaikan tata kelola penelitian dan inovasi berdasarkan stok pengetahuan…

Research in Creative Economy: A Module

This document offers a tool for policy makers, creative practitioners, or the leaders in grass root to elevate the understanding and awareness on creative economy unique ecology. Using Makassar and Surabaya as case studies, the module is designed to diagnose creative economy activities based on economic potential and contribution of each city.

Local Initiatives in Open Government

This report examines the implementation of Open Government on the regional level in the Indonesian context. By looking at the cases of Mojokerto, Pontianak and Tangerang, this research suggests several factors that might decisive in the outcome of Open Government in general.

Complaining to Improve Governance

Since joining the Open Government Partnership in 2011, the Indonesian Government has shown some commitment towards implementing initiatives that increase citizen voice and government and service-providers’ accountability to citizens and service users. These include a series information and communications technology (ICT)-based complaint-handling systems that give members of the public an opportunity to highlight problems with…

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