Abstract taken from this article in Knowledge Sector Initiative website. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi praktik pembuatan kebijakan berbasis-bukti (evidence-based policymaking) oleh Kantor Staf Presiden Republik Indonesia (KSP) selama kurun waktu 2015 hingga 2019. Empat studi kasus diambil sebagai contoh penerapan praktik pembuatan kebijakan berbasis bukti serta pembelajaran yang dipetik dari kebijakan tersebut. Lebih lanjut, tulisan ini…
Mengobarkan Inovasi, Mengorbankan Standar Mutu: Telaah Isu Iptek, Riset, dan Inovasi dalam UU Cipta Kerja
Salah satu elemen penting bagi inovasi dan penerapannya adalah kerangka regulasi. Pengesahan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU CK) tidak terkecuali, juga berpengaruh bagi inovasi di Indonesia. Dalam UU CK, aspek ilmu pengetahuan & teknologi (iptek), riset, dan inovasi ditemukan dalam 29 pasal yang tersebar dalam 10 bab. Ini mencakup 7 pasal…
Crowd-r@ting: In Search of Alternative Rating in Indonesia
The current TV-rating mechanism is incapable of capturing feedback from the audience. As a traffic counter, it lacks the tool to assess the complexity of TV-viewing. There is no established feedback mechanism that is able to represent audience’s opinions or criticisms. This results in the audience being seen merely as a consumer, as the traffic…
Research in Creative Economy: A Module
This document offers a tool for policy makers, creative practitioners, or the leaders in grass root to elevate the understanding and awareness on creative economy unique ecology. Using Makassar and Surabaya as case studies, the module is designed to diagnose creative economy activities based on economic potential and contribution of each city.
Local Initiatives in Open Government
This report examines the implementation of Open Government on the regional level in the Indonesian context. By looking at the cases of Mojokerto, Pontianak and Tangerang, this research suggests several factors that might decisive in the outcome of Open Government in general.
Mapping the Cyber Policy Landscape: Indonesia
Commissioned by: Global Partners Digital According to Internet Live Stats, Indonesia has 53,236,179 internet users – the 12th largest population of active internet users in the world. In terms of social media activities, Indonesia is considered highly connected and active. Today, Indonesia has the 4th largest Facebook user base and the 5th largest Twitter user…
Unboxing Television in Contemporary Indonesia
“Unboxing television in contemporary Indonesia” highlights how media content, especially within television, is produced and consumed in Indonesia. The main aim is to question the logic behind TV production and to highlight how the audience shows varying degrees of autonomy in overcoming the dominance – and ignorance – of media producers.
Dari Konstituen ke Konsumen: Strategi Partai Politik di Layar Kaca
Pasca reformasi, Indonesia telah mengadakan tiga kali pemilihan umum, yaitu di tahun 1999, 2004, dan 2009. Dalam kurun waktu itu pula tampak terjadi pergeseran dalam komunikasi politik di mana kini terdapat sebuah kebutuhan besar pada saluran penyiaran dan media berbasis teknologi sebagai sarana kampanye politik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji strategi komunikasi partai politik…
Creating Content, Shaping Society: Do Indonesian Media Uphold the Principle of Citizenship?
The purpose of this research is to empirically examine Indonesian media content, their workings and the factors influencing their work. It will explore the Indonesian television content, its influencing factors and its impact upon citizens. This research is part of an action research project, Engaging Media, Empowering Society: Assessing Media Policy and Governance in Indonesia…
Media and the Vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the Margins
The purpose of this research is to map the implication of the political economy dynamics of the media on citizens’ right to media from the perspective of citizens, in particular those who are vulnerable and weak(ened). By providing four case studies from vulnerable groups, we aim to map the bigger picture on citizens’ right to…