Ferzya Farhan

Indonesia Cultural Cities Profile

The Indonesian Cultural Cities Profile reports aim to provide information and an overview of fourteen Indonesian cities, outlining their cultural diversity, population, heritage, assets and policies. The reports provide introductory information on the cities’ history, demographics and unique cultural practices, including the nature and scale of cultural, creative and digital policies and economy that exists…

Strengthening the Bridge towards Inclusive Policymaking: A Collective Learning with Six Civil Society Organisations

This synthesis report titled “Strengthening the Bridge towards Inclusive Policymaking: A Collective Learning with Six Civil Society Organisations” came as a form of public accountability for the CIPG programme called “Echoing Evidence: Using Action Research for Inclusive Participation”. This report contains learning analyses by CIPG while undertaking the aforementioned programme between August 2017 until August…

Cooperative’s Contributions Towards Inclusive Development

Lessening the inequality among people and ensures the ecosystem balance is a key priority in Inclusive Development (ID). Its cover economic, social, ecological and citizen rights aspect. Inclusive development is a universal term that’s not only for emerging and developing countries but also for developed one. For Indonesia, lessening the inequality is a primary concern…

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