Fajri Siregar

Local Initiatives in Open Government

This report examines the implementation of Open Government on the regional level in the Indonesian context. By looking at the cases of Mojokerto, Pontianak and Tangerang, this research suggests several factors that might decisive in the outcome of Open Government in general.

Enabling Spaces: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia

This research maps creative hubs in Indonesia, as one of a series of reports across South East Asia. These hubs allow inventive and imaginative people to come together to share workspace, access experience, tools and investment, and exchange ideas. This report acts as a starting point for further exploration, and a provocation of ideas for…

Complaining to Improve Governance

Since joining the Open Government Partnership in 2011, the Indonesian Government has shown some commitment towards implementing initiatives that increase citizen voice and government and service-providers’ accountability to citizens and service users. These include a series information and communications technology (ICT)-based complaint-handling systems that give members of the public an opportunity to highlight problems with…

Reforming Research in Indonesia: Policies and Practices

Reforming research in Indonesia: Policies and practice was jointly carried out by the Communication Research Centre, University of Indonesia (Puskakom UI) and the Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG), and in collaboration with the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Australia (ARC). It was funded by Global Development Network. The study discusses the barriers in…

Unboxing Television in Contemporary Indonesia

“Unboxing television in contemporary Indonesia” highlights how media content, especially within television, is produced and consumed in Indonesia. The main aim is to question the logic behind TV production and to highlight how the audience shows varying degrees of autonomy in overcoming the dominance – and ignorance – of media producers.

Mapping Media Policy in Indonesia

This report aim to highlight the trajectory of media policy in Indonesia and to assess its impacts on the different forms of media themselves and on the citizens and their rights, particularly with regards to their media rights. Such rights, in this study, are referred to as the right to access media infrastructure, to access…

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