Yanuar Nugroho, Ph.D

Yanuar Nugroho, Ph.D

Co-Founder & Advisor

Yanuar Nugroho is an activist-scholar, born in Indonesia in 1972. He finished his PhD in 2007 in technological innovation and social change focusing on the role of the Internet in civil society activism.

Yanuar Nugroho (born 1972) is the CIPG senior intellectual and academic advisor. He is currently based in the University of Manchester UK, and committed in advising CIPG’s research in voluntary basis.

Yanuar holds a PhD (Manchester, 2004-2007) in technological innovation and social change focusing on the role of the Internet in civil society activism. He is the holder of the Hallsworth Fellowship in Political Economy of Innovations & Social Change, and work in the area of innovation, development and sustainability at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR/PREST), Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He was an industrial engineer by training (ITB Indonesia, 1990-1994) and a masters in information systems engineering (UMIST, 2000-2001).

Prior to his doctoral study, Yanuar was active in three Indonesian NGOs: Business Watch Indonesia, Uni Sosial Demokrat, and ELSPPAT/Institute for Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture. He was also a visiting lecturer in some Indonesian private universities (1998-2004) and a regular contributor major newspapers in Indonesia like The Jakarta Post,English Daily (2002-2004), Kompas, Media Indonesia and Suara Pembaharuan(2001-2005). All of his articles are archived in his personal blog.

During his work with the University of Manchester, he has been involved in around 20 projects funded by the European Commission, British Government, and international charities. He supervises doctoral, masters and bachelor degree students working in issues intersecting technology, society, and societal change.

Yanuar Nugroho, Ph.D

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Yanuar Nugroho, Ph.D

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