Klara Esti

Klara Esti

Senior Research Associate

Currently a senior researcher with educational background in communication studies from Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta. Klara continues to explore various topics, ranging from media and the constitution of public sphere, social mapping, creative economy, to innovation and development policies. She loves to read, hike, and engage in random conversation about diverse topics in her leisure time.

Klara Esti

Konten dari

Klara Esti

Informasi dan Perubahan Sosial

Impact assessment of Covid-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support (CARES) program –which in Indonesia is managed under National Economic Recovery (Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional/PEN), Pre-employment

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.



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