This project wants to capture the current data governance during COVID-19 pandemic in the health and education sector in Indonesia. This project will identify the gaps between what is considered as good data governance with current situations and try to recommend what are necessary steps to take.
Our preliminary findings highlight some issues:
- Data gaps in the health information system remain a challenge for local governments to tailor strategies for handling Covid-19 and provide reliable information for citizens,
- Unstandardised data and various applications for data input actually add the burden on healthcare facilities;
- Students’ health might be compromised if the decision to open a school for face-to-face learning is based on unreliable information.
- It is also found that some of the problems in the health information system had been identified back in 2017 (as stated in the Health Ministerial Regulation No. 46/2017 on the National E-Health Strategy).
Programme Start: January 2021
Status: Finished
Publication: Data Governance and Public Service Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic
Team: Klara Esti, Anesthesia Novianda, Khatrina Suhanda, Leonardus K. Nugraha
Data Governance in Health and Education Sector During Covid-19 and Its Impact towards Public Service Delivery