Abstract taken from this article in Association for Progressive Communications’ website In the midst of rising intolerance, a polarised society and massive hoaxes, the 2019 presidential election was a huge test for Indonesia’s democratisation. This was the year when 190 million voters – the biggest electoral participation in the history of Indonesia – cast their…
Crowd-r@ting: In Search of Alternative Rating in Indonesia
The current TV-rating mechanism is incapable of capturing feedback from the audience. As a traffic counter, it lacks the tool to assess the complexity of TV-viewing. There is no established feedback mechanism that is able to represent audience’s opinions or criticisms. This results in the audience being seen merely as a consumer, as the traffic…
Di Balik Fenomena Buzzer: Memahami Lanskap Industri dan Pengaruh Buzzer di Indonesia
Dengan pengguna aktif mencapai 106 juta dan pertumbuhan pengguna aktif mencapai 34% (We Are Social, 2016), media sosial di Indonesia tumbuh menjadi pasar yang menarik secara ekonomis maupun politis. Peluang meraup untung maupun menggaet massa ini lantas dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai aktor, mulai dari industri periklanan hingga para pemain politik. Para pelaku ini menyuarakan kepentingannya dengan…
Unboxing Television in Contemporary Indonesia
“Unboxing television in contemporary Indonesia” highlights how media content, especially within television, is produced and consumed in Indonesia. The main aim is to question the logic behind TV production and to highlight how the audience shows varying degrees of autonomy in overcoming the dominance – and ignorance – of media producers.
Dari Konstituen ke Konsumen: Strategi Partai Politik di Layar Kaca
Pasca reformasi, Indonesia telah mengadakan tiga kali pemilihan umum, yaitu di tahun 1999, 2004, dan 2009. Dalam kurun waktu itu pula tampak terjadi pergeseran dalam komunikasi politik di mana kini terdapat sebuah kebutuhan besar pada saluran penyiaran dan media berbasis teknologi sebagai sarana kampanye politik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji strategi komunikasi partai politik…
Creating Content, Shaping Society: Do Indonesian Media Uphold the Principle of Citizenship?
The purpose of this research is to empirically examine Indonesian media content, their workings and the factors influencing their work. It will explore the Indonesian television content, its influencing factors and its impact upon citizens. This research is part of an action research project, Engaging Media, Empowering Society: Assessing Media Policy and Governance in Indonesia…
Warga Bicara Media: Sepuluh Cerita
CIPG dan HIVOS merancang sebuah program yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kredibilitas dan kapasitas (capacity building) kelompok masyarakat sipil di Indonesia dalam melakukan riset kritis secara metodologis; yang juga diharapkan untuk memungkinkan keterlibatan yang lebih efektif dalam kaitannya dengan proses pengambilan keputusan publik maupun penjaminan HAM di Indonesia. Proses capacity building ini diawali dari coaching process…
Media and the Vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the Margins
The purpose of this research is to map the implication of the political economy dynamics of the media on citizens’ right to media from the perspective of citizens, in particular those who are vulnerable and weak(ened). By providing four case studies from vulnerable groups, we aim to map the bigger picture on citizens’ right to…
Mapping the landscape of the media industry in contemporary Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to empirically examine the development dynamics of the media industry in Indonesia and how those dynamics characterise the ways in which civil society and citizens’ groups exercise their rights to media. This research aims to portray the landscape of the country’s media industry development and how this has affected…
Mapping Media Policy in Indonesia
This report aim to highlight the trajectory of media policy in Indonesia and to assess its impacts on the different forms of media themselves and on the citizens and their rights, particularly with regards to their media rights. Such rights, in this study, are referred to as the right to access media infrastructure, to access…