Digital Humanities

Fairwork Indonesia Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy

Despite the recent COVID-19 pandemic, economic slowdown, and inflation in fuel and food prices, Indonesia remains South East Asia’s largest digital economy. Along with e-commerce, the digital economy in Indonesia has been dominated by the platform work economy, especially in groceries, transport, and food delivery. Previous Fairwork Indonesia reports found that Indonesian platform workers’ pay…

Indonesia Cultural Cities Profile

The Indonesian Cultural Cities Profile reports aim to provide information and an overview of fourteen Indonesian cities, outlining their cultural diversity, population, heritage, assets and policies. The reports provide introductory information on the cities’ history, demographics and unique cultural practices, including the nature and scale of cultural, creative and digital policies and economy that exists…

Inovasi dan Hidup Bersama Kita

Zaman cepat berubah. Setidaknya sejak lima tahun terakhir, kita telah menyaksikan betapa inovasi muncul dalam berbagai rupa. Banyak dari rupa inovasi yang terjadi telah membantu masyarakat untuk menjalani hidupnya dengan lebih baik. Sebagai contoh, sebut saja transportasi online yang telah dirasakan banyak masyarakat membantu menerjang kemacetan lalu lintas ibu kota dengan lebih efisien. Namun, kita…

Innovation Outlook: Refleksi Inovasi Berbasis TIK di Indonesia

Indonesia kini sedang mengalami proses transformasi menuju masyarakat yang berorientasi digital. Hal ini didorong oleh perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) yang sangat signifikan, jauh lebih cepat dari yang dapat dibayangkan sebelumnya. Hadirnya TIK telah berperan besar sebagai katalis inovasi dan mengubah lanskap di berbagai sektor. Tidak hanya itu keberadaan TIK memiliki dampak yang besar…

Crowd-r@ting: In Search of Alternative Rating in Indonesia

The current TV-rating mechanism is incapable of capturing feedback from the audience. As a traffic counter, it lacks the tool to assess the complexity of TV-viewing. There is no established feedback mechanism that is able to represent audience’s opinions or criticisms. This results in the audience being seen merely as a consumer, as the traffic…

Local Initiatives in Open Government

This report examines the implementation of Open Government on the regional level in the Indonesian context. By looking at the cases of Mojokerto, Pontianak and Tangerang, this research suggests several factors that might decisive in the outcome of Open Government in general.

Di Balik Fenomena Buzzer: Memahami Lanskap Industri dan Pengaruh Buzzer di Indonesia

Dengan pengguna aktif mencapai 106 juta dan pertumbuhan pengguna aktif mencapai 34% (We Are Social, 2016), media sosial di Indonesia tumbuh menjadi pasar yang menarik secara ekonomis maupun politis. Peluang meraup untung maupun menggaet massa ini lantas dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai aktor, mulai dari industri periklanan hingga para pemain politik. Para pelaku ini menyuarakan kepentingannya dengan…

Complaining to Improve Governance

Since joining the Open Government Partnership in 2011, the Indonesian Government has shown some commitment towards implementing initiatives that increase citizen voice and government and service-providers’ accountability to citizens and service users. These include a series information and communications technology (ICT)-based complaint-handling systems that give members of the public an opportunity to highlight problems with…

From Smart City to Open City: Lessons From Jakarta Smart City

Donor: The Web Foundation   In 2011, Indonesia started its Open Government journey when along with seven other countries it initiated Open Government Partnership. Following the global declaration, Indonesia launched the Open Government Indonesia (OGI) in January 2012 with the aim to introduce open government reforms, including open data. This initiative is supported by Law…

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