Salah satu elemen penting bagi inovasi dan penerapannya adalah kerangka regulasi. Pengesahan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU CK) tidak terkecuali, juga berpengaruh bagi inovasi di Indonesia. Dalam UU CK, aspek ilmu pengetahuan & teknologi (iptek), riset, dan inovasi ditemukan dalam 29 pasal yang tersebar dalam 10 bab. Ini mencakup 7 pasal…
Media and the Vulnerable in Indonesia: Accounts from the Margins
The purpose of this research is to map the implication of the political economy dynamics of the media on citizens’ right to media from the perspective of citizens, in particular those who are vulnerable and weak(ened). By providing four case studies from vulnerable groups, we aim to map the bigger picture on citizens’ right to…
Study of Strengthening Network between Innovation Actors in Indonesia
This paper reveals the current state of interaction between innovation actors in Indonesia and its implication to Indonesia innovation system. To gain wider and deeper insight, this study exposes innovation in multi industrial sectors such as; logistics industry, energy industry, and creative industry. National innovation system (NIS) is used as the main perspective of this…