Pembuatan kebijakan publik idealnya dilakukan secara integral, menyeluruh pada setiap aspek yang berpengaruh. Partisipasi publik merupakan prasyarat absolut untuk memastikan proses tersebut berjalan secara inklusif. Maka, perumusan kebijakan publik berbasis bukti, terutama dalam konteks lokal, perlu didorong dengan mendasarkan pertama-tama pada pengetahuan lokal oleh para aktor lokal. Walaupun demikian, warga, khususnya yang terpinggirkan, tampak kesulitan…
Enabling Spaces: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia
This research maps creative hubs in Indonesia, as one of a series of reports across South East Asia. These hubs allow inventive and imaginative people to come together to share workspace, access experience, tools and investment, and exchange ideas. This report acts as a starting point for further exploration, and a provocation of ideas for…
Cooperative’s Contributions Towards Inclusive Development
Lessening the inequality among people and ensures the ecosystem balance is a key priority in Inclusive Development (ID). Its cover economic, social, ecological and citizen rights aspect. Inclusive development is a universal term that’s not only for emerging and developing countries but also for developed one. For Indonesia, lessening the inequality is a primary concern…