Adriansyah Dhani Darmawan

Digital Transformation Landscape in Indonesia

The Report on the Digital Transformation Landscape in Indonesia has two objectives. Firstly, to provide a snapshot of digital transformation efforts in Indonesia by examining three sectors: Industry 4.0, digital agriculture, and clean/green technology. Secondly, to contribute input to the design of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2025-2029 for the digital transformation field. In…

Fairwork Indonesia Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy

Despite the recent COVID-19 pandemic, economic slowdown, and inflation in fuel and food prices, Indonesia remains South East Asia’s largest digital economy. Along with e-commerce, the digital economy in Indonesia has been dominated by the platform work economy, especially in groceries, transport, and food delivery. Previous Fairwork Indonesia reports found that Indonesian platform workers’ pay…

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