Will they care? Investigating social media users’ understanding of privacy issues in developing countries (2018)

Will they care? Investigating social media users’ understanding of privacy issues in developing countries (2018)


Programme Period: February-March 2018

Team: Dinita Andriani Putri, Anesthesia Novianda

The high use of Internet has contributed to the high use of social media, especially in young people. Taking the case in Jakarta, this research explores the degree of privacy awareness from young people in urban context that use social media platforms. Specifically, this research aims to explore whether these young users are aware of the data that they share, how much control do they have with their data, the challenges and risks of sharing their personal data, and how they value their personal data.

This research used survey and interview as the instruments to collect the data. Respondents were 102 high school students from 8 schools in Greater Jakarta that actively uses social media platform. The research used simple random survey to identify the school sample and identified gatekeeper in each school to gather respondents. We used Typeform online survey service and sent out the link to the respondents. Subsequently, we randomly contacted the respondents for a follow-up interview. We then interviewed 8 key informants to gain deeper insights on their habits in using social media and to deepen the analysis of privacy awareness in their use of social media.

Will they care? Investigating social media users’ understanding of privacy issues in developing countries (2018)

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Dinita Andriani Putri, Anesthesia Novianda

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.


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