Technical Support on Specific Reforms in Research Funding Aspects (2020-2021)

Knowledge and Innovation

Technical Support on Specific Reforms in Research Funding Aspects (2020-2021)


Programme Period: July 2020-March 2021

Team: Andhina Ratri, Mona Luthfina Usmani, Irsan Pawennei

KSI needs to position the program’s catalytic role to influence the most strategic elements of the R&I ecosystem together with actors in the ecosystem, particularly in building upon UU Sisnas Iptek main mandate — that science and technology should be the basis of the nation’s development programmes and policies – for the improvement of knowledge to policy processes in Indonesia.

Two main reforms:

  1. A more evidence-based portfolio management at Kemenristek/ BRIN as main research funder
  2. A more coordinated R&D activities across all knowledge producers to support better development planning.
Technical Support on Specific Reforms in Research Funding Aspects (2020-2021)

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Andhina Ratri, Mona Luthfina Usmani, Irsan Pawennei

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Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.​

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