Collaboration between Research Funding Institutions
Programme Period: February-December 2017
Team: Irsan Pawennei, Ferzya Farhan, M. Rinaldi Camil, Daya Cipta Sudrajat
We believe, knowledge-based economy and country competitiveness will increase when the good governance applied. Therefore, this year, the MRTHE/Kemenristekdikti is going to enhance collaboration and coordination, particularly among research funding institutions. Through professional development and engagement programme, we will conduct capacity building with international experts which involve 1-2 experts focusing in research funding institutions. This programme will answer specific-based question: how to build collaboration between research funding institutions?
Pengembangan Penguatan Koordinasi Lembaga Pendanaan Riset Antar Institusi Pemerintah Maupun dengan Institusi Swasta (2017)