Indonesia Research Competitiveness (2019-2020)

Pengetahuan dan Inovasi

Indonesia Research Competitiveness (2019-2020)


Programme Period: September 2019-June 2020

Team: Andhina Ratri, Nur Huda, Irsan Pawennei

The Indonesian government has recently taken several important steps to increase investment in research and reform the institutional arrangements governing research. These changes signal a growing awareness of the importance of research for Indonesia’s future productivity and competitiveness and for more evidence-informed policymaking.

This Activity will support the development of a policy options paper designed to inform regulatory reforms to research and higher education policy in Indonesia over the short to medium term. The Activity will be undertaken collaboratively by Australian National University (ANU) and Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance, to be confirmed with support from KSI.

The policy options paper may cover the following aspects:
● A summary of different trajectories of research ecosystem reforms in mature, developing and emerging economies including distinct features in agenda setting, institutional set-ups and research and innovation portfolios;
● A mapping of where Indonesia is with its research reform process including identification of key reform points and current regulatory loopholes;
● Options for pathways for Indonesian research ecosystem reform (prioritisation and staging).

Indonesia Research Competitiveness (2019-2020)

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Andhina Ratri, Nur Huda, Irsan Pawennei

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.​

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