Global Innovation Policy Accelerator (GIPA)

Informasi dan Perubahan Sosial

Global Innovation Policy Accelerator (GIPA)


Programme Period: August-September 2017

Team: Mona Luthfina Usmani, Irsan Pawennei

The Global Innovation Policy Accelerator is a collaboration between the UK government and those of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The majority of the Policy Accelerator’s development and delivery costs are covered by the the Newton Fund, a UK government initiative designed to improve the quality of collaborations for innovation between the UK and ‘emerging powers’ nations.

The Newton Fund creates equal partnerships between the UK and developing economies across the world: partner countries are therefore expected to match the resources brought forward by the Fund for the delivery of the Policy Accelerator.

Global Innovation Policy Accelerator (GIPA)

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Mona Luthfina Usmani, Irsan Pawennei

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.

Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) adalah wadah pemikir (think tank) berbasis penelitian yang bercita-cita unggul dalam bidang inovasi, kebijakan, dan tata kelola.​

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